Antonio Martinez-Tlatenchi

Antonio Martinez-Tlatenchi


Name: Antonio Martinez-Tlatenchi

Major: Psychology

Year: Senior

McNair Faculty Mentor: Dr. Niels Nielsen

Research Project Titles:

Project 1: The Influence of Military Culture on Attitudes Towards and Willingness to Seek Professional Mental Health Services

Project 2: Sleep for Science: The Effect of Age and Emotion on Selective Memory Consolidation During Sleep

Research Interests: Memory Consolidation, PTSD, Sleep, Hormones. I am interested in understanding the underlying physiological mechanisms of memory consolidation. I am also interested in how hormones influence the memory consolidation process as well as how sleep interacts with this process.

Current Research: The influence of age, emotion, and sleep on selective memory consolidation. We are interested in seeing how slow wave sleep differs between young adults and middle age adults and how that correlates with scores in the emotional memory tradeoff task.

Plans for the Future: I plan on attending a PhD program in either clinical psychology or cognitive psychology. I want to continue researching on memory consolidation and how hormones and sleep relate to it.

Experience and development as a McNair: The McNair program has been one of the most beautiful and rewarding educational experiences in my life. I owe plenty to the wonderful McNair Staff, and my Mentor Dr. Nielsen, for not only educating me on the process of conducting research but for also bolstering my confidence in myself as a researcher and academic.