Program Progression

Each year, the program accepts between ten to fifteen new students to participate, and this group becomes the Cohort for that particular year. Each Cohort, since the program’s inception, is listed under McNair Cohorts.

Students who are accepted to participate in the McNair Scholars Program are referred to as Ronald E. McNair Students. McNair Students are provided with numerous opportunities for academic and personal growth: subsequently, a high level of performance in the classroom, laboratory/studio, and in their respective
communities is expected.

Upon achieving certain milestones, the McNair student is promoted to the rank of McNair Scholar. The term Scholar signifies their seriousness of purpose in preparing for graduate education. Graduate programs eagerly recruit McNair Scholars as they are well prepared for the rigors of graduate education and embody the next generation of important researchers, professors, and public servants.

McNair is a rigorous graduate school preparation program. The program takes a minimum of two years to complete. The progression through the program will vary from student to student, however, the major preparation activities and the curriculum are similar for all students.

Sandy Tlachi-Munoz, McNair Senior Scholar, published a research article in The Drug and Alcohol Review with her McNair Faculty mentor, Dr. Jessica Willoughby

The article is titled The impact of sexual scripts in brand-generated cannabis social media posts on sex-related cannabis expectancies: Does body appreciation moderate effects?

Article’s link: