Program Services
McNair Scholars enroll in specialized courses covering topics, such as the craft of research, culture of graduate education, graduate school application process, quantitative and verbal reasoning, graduate-level writing, and teaching at the college level. Additional preparation workshops and weekend sessions are provided on an as-needed basis.
Research Experience
McNair Scholars conduct a McNair Research Project with the guidance of a McNair Faculty Mentor. Scholars are eligible for travel and conference registration funds to present their research at regional and national conferences. Scholars publish their research project in The McNair Journal.
Counseling and Mentoring
McNair Scholars meet regularly with the McNair Program Staff to build Individual Preparation Plans and receive one-on-one academic and career counseling and mentoring. Along with the program staff, faculty mentors, and McNair Alumni Mentors, scholars develop academic and professional skills so they can meet the scholarly performance standards crucial to completing graduate-level work.
Additional Resources for McNair Scholars
Funding to participate in the McNair Summer Institute
McNair Scholars are provided with a research stipend and room and board allowance for the McNair Summer Institute. This research opportunity occurs in the months of June and July.
Graduate Application Fee Waiver
McNair Scholars can choose from hundreds of schools nationwide that have agreed to waive the application costs for them. Find out which schools offer these (and other) benefits at the Council for Opportunity in Education List of Fellowships and Application Fee Waivers.
Cultural Enrichment Activities
The McNair Program sponsors scholars so they may attend cultural enrichment activities, such as theatrical and musical performances and invited lecturers.
McNair Alumni Network
McNair Scholars are mentored by McNair Alumni from the WSU McNair Program, as well as many McNair programs across the country. This important corps of mentors provide current Scholars with additional sources of support, wisdom, and inspiration.