WSU McNair Alumna: Cristal Reyna Thompson, PhD   

Graduate student in a laboratory setting

Dr. Cristal Reyna Thompson
PhD, Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame
Post Doctoral Fellow, Boston University

McNair helped me achieve confidence in myself and reach out for opportunities that have allowed me to pave my own road to success. As the first person in my family to attend and graduate from a four-year university and continue on to graduate school, I understand that I am creating a legacy for my younger family to follow. I encourage students who are interested in graduate school to take a calculated leap of faith and push yourself past even your own expectations.

A Legacy of Success

This grant has been 100% federally funded by the United States Department of Education to serve 27 scholars annually in the amount of $267,841 per year for a period of five years.

Here are highlights of some of our WSU PhD earners. We currently have over 40+ McNair alumni who are doing amazing things around the world. Please stay tuned for more updates.                                                  


R. Xach Williams, PhD
 University of California, San Diego


Sylvia Mendez, PhD
 University of Kansas

Dayla Randolph

Dayla Randolph, PhD
 Northern Illinois University

Ciera Graham

Ciera Graham, PhD
 University of Cincinnati

Annette Perales, PhD
 Western Michigan University

Vanessa Delgado

Vanessa Delgado, PhD
 University of California, Irvine

Janette Mariscal, PhD
 University of Arizona

Sandibel Borges, PhD
 University of California, Santa Barbara

Rosalinda Godinez, PhD
 University of California, Berkeley

Jeanette Perales, PhD
 Western Michigan University