2009-2010 Cohort

cyndreabrown0809aCyndrea Brown
Major: Communications
Research: Electronic Social Networks, Parasocial Relationships, and Adolescent Development
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Thomas Power, Human Development
Status: Communications, Masters Program (Graduated 2013) at theUniversity of Southern California
webmollydoolittle0809cMolly Doolittle
Major: Psychology
Research: Effects of the Presence of Siblings in a Family-Focused Prevention Program 
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Laura Hill, Human Development
Status: Psychology, Masters Program (Graduated 2013) at Saint Louis University
webperlafletes0809bPerla Fletes
Major: Psychology
Research: An Examination of the Longitudinal Relationship between  Perceived Stress and Weight gain in a College Population
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, College of Nursing
allsiongriffin0809aAllison Griffin
Major: Psychology
Research: The Responses of Latino and Caucasian Parents to a Family-Strengthening Program 
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Laura Hill, Human Development
Status: Clinical Psychology, PhD Program (In Progress) at the University of North Texas
webkhadraharo0809cKhadra Haro
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Research: Successful Strategies for Retention of African American Students  in Speech Language Pathology Programs
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amy Meredith, Speech and Hearing Science
Status: Speech Pathology, Masters Program (2013) at San Diego State University
webstellakairie0809cStella Kiarie
Majors: Psychology, & Biology
Research: The Use of the Mau Forest Complex by Local Communities:  Patterns of Use by Class and Ethnicity and their Relationship  to Long-term Sustainability
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Raymond Jussaume, Community and Rural Sociology
Status: Public Policy, Masters Program (Graduated 2013) at Brown University
webbirukmulugeta0809aBiruk Mulugeta
Major: Architecture
Research: The Question of Unity: Symbolizing Africa Through Architecture
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Phil Gruen, Architecture

james pipkinsJames Pipkins
Major: Mathematics
Research: Observations on Biplanes
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mike Kallaher, Mathematics

tishtekle0809aTish Teckle
Majors: Sociology, & Education
Research: After School Programs:  Waste of Time or Worth Community Investment?
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kim Lloyd, Sociology

webjenniferweldy0809bJennifer Weldy
Majors: Anthropology, &Communications
Research: Gender and Aggression in a College Population
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Quinlan, Anthropology
webrzachwilliams0809bRobert Williams
Major: Comparative Ethnic Studies
Research: It’s Pimpin’, Pimpin’: Oppression and Exploitation
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lisa Guerrero, Comparative Ethnic Studies
Status: Ethnic Studies, PhD Program (In Progress) at the University of California San Diego